Naveed Tawargeri

Author Archives: Naveed Tawargeri

Hi, I'm Naveed Tawargeri, and I'm the owner and creator of this blog. I'm a Software Developer with a passion for Programming. 

C program to find sum of two numbers

Here is the c program to find sum of two numbers Output Explanation: printf(“The sum is: %d\n”, c); prints the sum with a newline character for better output formatting. main Function: In C programming, the main function should always return an integer (int). This integer typically indicates the success or failure of the program (usually […]

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Embracing Union in C Programming

Union in C Unions are similar to structures in that they also store different types of elements. We can store different types of elements and store them in a union. Union is declared using the keyword ‘union’. Structure member operator (.) or structure pointer member (->) to refer structure elements. The same operator can be […]

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